Recent News

Walpurgisnacht 2014

Walpurgisnacht 2014 marks the beginning of the third year since the renewal of the Rune-Gild and a great deal has happened in these last two years.

New Learners have been accepted as students by Masters, existing Learners have been named Fellows, and the Mastery of the Rune-Gild has seen new Masters joining their ranks.

More than anything else, the giving of self to Self that manifests in such initiatory development is the main work of the Gild and we are exceedingly pleased and proud of what our members have wrought and the way such works not only further their individual development, but also enrich the community of the Gild and the wider world as well.

Beyond that we have edited and published revised editions of our core texts – both internal Initiatory texts and our more public “Associate” level texts. Other new and revised publications will be forthcoming in 2014 and in the years to come.

The High Rede of the Gild now enters its third term with newly elected and selected officers, and we are grateful to all who undertake this role of service to our organization.

Áðr Burs synir  bjöðum um ypptu,
þeir er Miðgarð  mæran skópu;
sól skein sunnan  á salar steina,
þá var grund gróin  grænum lauki.

Reyn til Runa!

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