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Rûna Interviews with Edred Thorsson

Interview by Rûna magazine

Why do you call it the Rune-Gild and not a magical order?

The term ‘order’ is a patently ecclesiastical term. The Romans too would have called it a collegium (‘guild’). Hence the ‘college of cardinals’ in the Roman Church—a hangover in terminology from the ‘guild of flamens’.

So the word ‘order’ is just too medieval and ecclesiastical to describe what the Gild is. We also prefer the older Germanic and English spelling ‘gild’ over the French-influenced spelling ‘guild’. A gild is concerned with the objective transference of knowledge and skills from Masters to Apprentices and Fellows. This is the main task of the Rune-Gild. If this task if fulfilled, then the higher purpose of the Gild will flow from the initial efforts seamlessly.

Once a true Master has been trained and Named, that individual can do no other than what he or she has become. In so doing, the higher purpose of the Gild will be fulfilled.

Why do you think it is so important that there is a Rune-Gild now?

It is important that there is a Rune-Gild now because there currently exists a body of individuals who have awakened to its necessity. The esoteric reason as to why there must be a Rune-Gild is tied to a cycle of nine-year intervals, observed in ancient times and best recorded in the accounts of the nine-year sacrificial cycle at the Temple of Uppsala. The cycles are heating the iron; the clever smith knows how to blow on the flames—now is the time for our hammer blows to re-shape the blade of the Rune-Sword.

*For more on the Rûna Interviews, please see Would You Know Yet More?, which can be purchased from Amazon or directly from Arcana Europa.

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