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Important Message from the Rede -

As everyone will have noted from Edred’s Walpurgisnacht announcement, the Gild is now led by a High Rede. The Rede is charged with making all decisions about how the Gild is run, and what future plans should be put in place. In line with this, a five-person Standing Rede has been Named by Edred. Those so-Named have all agreed to remain on the Rede permanently.

We would now like to announce that the whole High Rede will, in fact, fully consist of nine persons: the Standing Rede, two further Masters of the Gild, and a worthy Fellow. The ninth member of the Rede is Edred, whose seat is also permanent.

The two Master-seats, which will be Named by the Standing Rede, are not permanent and will rotate. They will be concurrently held for a span of 9 months. The holder of the Fellow-seat will be elected by Fellows and Learners (neither Masters nor Associates will take part in this election). The Fellow-seat on the Rede will also last for 9 months, at which time a new election will be held.

The Standing Rede has now undertaken a traditional drawing of lots to determine those who shall hold the first two Master-seats. The first terms of these seats are hereby alloted to:

1. David Jones
2. Einhverfr

In the next few days, the process for electing the holder of the Fellow-seat will be announced and can take place soon afterward.

As loyalty is a watchword that guided the founding of the Rede, the initial candidates for the Fellow-seat will only be drawn from two categories: (1) Fellows who made the effort to attend the Moot, and (2) any Learner who attended the Moot and who has since successfully completed his or her Fellowship work.

For the next Fellow-seat election after this, which will take place nine months from now, the candidates will be drawn from all current Fellows in the Gild. Subsequent elections will proceed likewise.

:reyn til rúna:

— the Rede

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